Monday, June 23, 2008

Cassanova Strikes Again

Nothing emphasizes one's own ugliness like meeting a truly beautiful person. And there is nothing like meeting someone truly wonderful to make you realize what an utterly horrible human being you are. But go on I must - for need is a harsh mistress. And I am but a willing slave to all her biddings whenever she beckons.

I play the role of the master each time the game is on. But as much as I would like a thousand times to fool myself, I’m really not the one in control.

The ruined bed sheet should have signified another triumph. And I’d like to think that in the corner of the bed lie happily one more conquered Eve – lucky enough to feel the abundance and generosity of my spirit. Or so every Don Juan or Don Quixote would have loved to think.

Amidst a tropical storm of unbridled lust, it should be obvious by now that we crossed the Rubicon on a different bridge.

I looked at her handsome face before leaving and silently thanked her while walking away. She’s one more angel in the road to heaven soon to be forgotten. Somehow it is fitting that I never asked her name. It will do justice to the hundreds who have come before her – sacrificed in the altar of lust and shame. Also, for all its nearness to the brain, my heart could only remember but one dame.