Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mayweather - Pacquiao's Bad Blood

40 Million dollars. That’s just about the amount this era’s top pound for pounders are each to earn should they take on each other on March 13, 2010. And then some. That’s a lot of money to burn.

Mayweather, one of the protagonists in this epic battle, has been known to do just that. Coming out of a 2-year retirement after spending a fortune on a lavish lifestyle, he may yet be the fastest man alive in that regard. The 40 odd million might as well be gone baby gone before it ever reaches his hands. What a bloody mess he’d done.

And blood is indeed what the ruckus is all about.

Trying to gain mental and physical advantage by initiating a severe blood testing regime, or merely initiating a ploy to evade a fight against his father’s accused drug user the- friendly-beater-to-a-pulp Manny Pacquiao (depending on who’s expert side you ask), the negotiation for the fight of the century just come to a halt.

For the moment, never mind the Pacmonster is afraid of needles because even Superman has his kryptonite. (And we know too well the plot is weak but we never question the man of steel). The fact is that Boxing’s Greatest Ever, a title Mayweather proclaims as his own, shouldn’t play hesitant in taking all corners. If you are such, you do not ask for concession. You do not ask why or why not. You simply take the fight and beat the opposing fighter to a bloody pulp. We’re not even talking here of taking on a bigger-than-Mayweather-behemoth-with plastered hands-a la-Margarito but Pacquiao who has always been the smaller man.

Boxing’s greatest ever should strike fear in the hearts of man, or fellow pugilists if you like. Mayweather being hesitant of taking Pacquiao doesn’t send that kind of message. And so, it’s like his alias “Money May”, which really is a title of no significance when applied to him.

The verdict for the man is this then: All hail Mayweather, the most elusive fighter of this era. You couldn’t even get him to a ring when a clear and real threat is on the opposite corner.

That said – and because Mayweather just won’t – let’s take on the Pacman. His is the ascent that is the stuff of legend (or of steroid as put forward by the ever-unreliable Floyd Sr.). Just what makes him tick? Bordering on disbelief, the not-so-always-disoriented-poet could not piece together how the small man’s run of havoc left fallen elite fighters in his wake. And it could not be due to God as Mega-Manny claims for He is known never to take side. Alas, he could only equate it with drugs to which his mind as a previous dope has close affiliation.

Enter USADA and the random blood testing. The little man has just been accused of taking steroids no matter if there’s lacking history to that. Naturally not agreeing, Pacquiao gave his reason to the world which is about his kryptonite.

Bloody hell, why not just bleed and give a little Manny. The Mayweathers made there point as much as those needles which created all those tattoos on your body. Bleed a little such that the little may save the whole and make us (boxing fans) happy.

It’s also because the usual urine test just wouldn’t do. Your old nemesis Marquez who admitted to be a consummate drinker of such potent an elixir would have made sure of that - alerting the Golden Boys and Mayweather never to trust yours. I mean, let’s face it, Marquez is an expert not just in boxing but in urine as well. (This news was kept in a tight lid because it’s not prim and proper to openly discuss. But it’s out now in the open.)

And notwithstanding the green with envy Dela Hoya’s take and fickle statements on the matter - It’s sad really - Pacquiao is just guilty until proven innocent.

The verdict: Counter to Mayweather is weak. Pacquiao should just give in to Mayweather’s demand to get them inside the same ring – and not in court. Then he could bring to Mayweather the beating of his life, if he can. After all, there’s no higher joy than mixing business with pleasure.

Drop the pretense like boxing is about doing the honorable thing and all such mumbo jumbo crap. It is war where a Geneva Convention only exists to not make it all look so bad. It’s more like ancient Rome’s gladiator combat with a Christian name. And just like the olden times, the people crave for blood.

And it’s not the one Mayweather had in mind.

We’ve asked for boxing and it’s a circus we’re getting. Blood Feud, Blood letting, Bad Blood – more like Bloody Mess - call it what you want but this fight might not just happen.

40 million dollars – it’s burn baby burn.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009


Tikbalang Incorporated goes TRESE

Messiah666/ Trese: When worlds collide.
Imagine a blonde Alexandra Trese roaming the Messiah666 World (or Tikbalang Incorporated) in search of the Aswang. Or try her luck in seeking the godspark.
How would she fair against the Roi Perdus or the Rex Mundi? Will she claim the throne herself in the end?
The possibilities are endless.

See Trese (Budjette Tan)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From the sublime to the ridiculous (read from bottom up)

Just won't happen any time soon. Look, fresh like the morning dew is the devil smiling at you! Mabuhay!!!
The picture above circulated via emails during the late great Cory Aquino's funeral. It was claimed to have been published in the Manila Times with an erroneous caption as shown. Hmm, erring in the side of caution or wishful thinking?
Americans could learn a lot, or a plot, from the Philippine General (?). As if saying, "Son, this is how we do it!" Gotta be shameless boy.
Arreola has lots of pounds but isn't pound-4-pound.
This is the borderline!
(Ask the Hitman himself, shown here contemplating the fact)
So is Pacquiao's demolition of 140 stalwart Ricky Hatton.
Arnold "the Terminator" in his prime is sublime.

Saturday, October 03, 2009


Talk about twisted chivalry or dark vigilante. This character will bring shivers down your spine. I plan to have Knightshift/ Knightmare play a pivotal role in Rex Mundi Chronicles.

Made by evil, feared by devils. Crime's worst nightmare.
Knightshift or Knightmare: He answers to both calls.

MOSTLY NOTHING: Rosabel/ Batsheba

The Seducer Bathsheba and the immaculate Rosabel are characters in my book Messiah666. This early drawing could have refer to both.


Read from bottom up.


Read from the bottom up.


Read from the bottom up.


I'd attempted to do a comic book way back in 1993. MOSTLY NOTHING came out, much like a bastard child.
I'll post one of the stories in the book here. Enjoy!