Thursday, May 06, 2010

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: The Best vs. The Beast for P4P Supremacy


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: The Best vs. The Beast for P4P Supremacy

ByRasheed Catapang:

“Floyd Mayweather Jr. is boxing’s Greatest Ever, the best of the All Time Greats. He’s better than Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson. He’s the rightful P4P King and the real Face of Boxing.”

For the longest time, Floyd Mayweather Jr. uttered those heresies. And, repeating those lies many times over, he actually believed them.

There’s no sin graver than believing your own lies – and in boxing terms, the outcome could be fatal. There happened to be one now. And that is Mosley never believing a word that came out of Mayweather.

Mosley thought he can match wits and prowess with Mayweather. Come fight night, he found out that what he knew doesn’t equate to what is the truth and that there’s a big difference between thinking and converting those thoughts into action.

Moreover, the body doesn’t always respond to one’s will and old people tend to forget that. “Believe and you’re halfway there” is well and fine but Mosley’s halfway reaches only up to the second round. In essence, he could not give what he no longer has.

It was the oldest rule in the book: Know thyself and know thine enemy. The self is old and the enemy is in his prime. So, Mosley bloody failed when he bloody tried.

That said, the winner deserves all the accolades due him. Shine Mayweather, shine!

For the longest time, Floyd Mayweather Jr. believed the lies he made. On the fateful night of May 1, the truth actually caught up with it.

Well, almost.

There remains another with a similar claim, one whose self belief rivals his. There remains another that needs to be toppled – one, who though haven’t been caught actually saying them, sprouts the same lies. There is another in his mold, an egomaniac bent on ruling the world – a boxing god in a humble façade but just as bad and unforgiving.

There remains Manny Pacquiao.

They are polar opposites but mirror images – the yin and yang, Offense and Defense. One’s a beast and the other the best but equally effective and ruthless.

Fools and Sweet Science Scholars alike need not debate who the greatest boxer is of this generation. Some may claim Floyd deserves the P4P top slot now with the masterful performance over Mosley. But the question begs to be asked, would Mayweather have recovered in the 2nd round had it been Pacquiao (whose torrential rain of fists is swift and final) delivering the blows?

You and I won’t know better. It is not a matter that should be settled in the court of public opinion but in the ring which is boxing’s hallowed ground.

In the matter of Pacquio or Mayweather being the best, your opinion is just as good as mine. That’s why the FIGHT needs to happen.

Afterwards, Mayweather will be proven true. Or else, he’ll really sound hollow.

Floyd Mayweather's Great & Secret Show 2

Floyd Mayweather Jr: Shining Through Mosley


By Rasheed Catapang: On May 1st, will we see the Shane Mosley of old or an old Mosley? The question needs to be asked though the answer won’t really matter. Little Floyd Mayweather Jr., like the countless times he had done before, will walk away with the win.

There may not be anyone now as supremely gifted a boxer as Little Floyd. And there may not be anyone now as confident with those gifts. We could deny his place in boxing’s Valhalla but we could never deny his talents. His detractors could cry foul and scream to deaf heaven all they want but they could not disclaim that his skill set rivals those of the All Time Greats.

In his claim to greatness, we could despise him – and his demeanor invites just that. But could we prove him otherwise? I doubt that.

Mosley, however, is qualified to try. He’s long in queue and earned the slot. Bear him no malice then when he inevitably fails and falls at the proverbial road side because at best Mosley is a test. He’s very good but is not great, and is now certainly very old.

Some people saw Mosley as a phoenix rising in the Margarito fight. They failed to consider Margarito’s state of mind in that fight or Mosley’s mediocre performance against Mayorga before that. Mosley could hope for another miracle but would that work against the very devil that is Mayweather.

If there’s anything Mosley could really do, it will be that which Pacquiao could not. That is to make Little Floyd shine.

“Shane done some things in this sport,’’ Mayweather (40-0, 25 KO) said, “but this fight is about enhancing my legacy, about proving I’m the best.’’

And that’s exactly what will come to pass. Floyd Mayweather Jr. for all his faults is a realist. He will never lose because he’ll never be on a fight he could not win. I believe there is the uncertainty in Floyd’s mind if he’ll be the winner against Pacquiao, with Mosley there is not a shred of doubt.

Mosley has yet to come to terms with that. Or else, he’s in denial. Failing to know the enemy eventually will cost him the war. After May 1, he’ll join the 40 before him who bloody tried.

And bloody failed.

“So now I’m telling everyone I know Mayweather is the best of all time. Better than Ali. Better than Frazier. The best that God has ever molded. But if he’s the greatest of all time and we knock him on his back, what’s that make Shane?” Mosley asked.

A dreamer.