Friday, February 03, 2012

Messiah 666 - Redefining the World

What if everything you had been taught and everything you had learned about the world and religion are but lies? Your whole way of life and your very life is threatened when reality rears its ugly head and comes at you with such brutal force. Pushed to the brink and to the very edge of your existence, you have come to realize but one “Truth.”

But then, you’ve also realized that the “Truth” could not set you free. Rather, it does the complete opposite and drags you deeper to the pit that salvation would come nowhere near.

Welcome to the world of MESSIAH 666. As prophesied you would know the end of the world is near when a whole bunch of Antichrist grabs the limelight – but not for the reasons you and the rest of humanity have been led to believe. There is only one truth in the vast arrays of lies and it holds true up to the very end.

The very end.

We call the that Armageddon. The time when not only man but also gods shall heed the call of battle and fight the final fight. Gods, lesser gods, mythical beings and man mixed it up in recipe sober minds would call disaster.

A bloody disaster.

And such a bloody disaster is what Andrew, Rosabel and the devious Father Paul must evade to make it to the end. At times hilarious but almost always dangerous, their journey would take you to epic heights. (Yes you – you have as much at stake here as everybody else.) And in their quest, the Truth is waiting where it always was - inside you.

As it was in the beginning, so it shall be in the end.

But what is that truth?

That is for you to discover in the world of MESSIAH 666.

You have been warned:

Abandon hope all ye who enter!