Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Carpe Diem

I felt the warmth of life’s embrace
And found the truth in her loving gaze.
Hear me Universe, I have my North Star.
So close and yet so far.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A Pope said it best

 Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see,
Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be.
In ev'ry work regard the writer's end,
Since none can compass more than they intend;
And if the means be just, the conduct true,
Applause, in spite of trivial faults, is due.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

That Feeling

Aren't you living the dream? Or so it seems.
Because nightmare might just be waking up too early or too late.

When you lose a battle to win the war,
but lacks the fortitude to carry on.
When you bury pride while digging for solutions,
and surrender seemed the best option.

The stone they threw at you might as well be the foundation,
but it's the corner stone of someone else's mansion.
When hope springs eternal,
but the same rings true for despair.

Thirsty, someone please hand me water.
To better drown myself.
Life. Death.
Is that all you got?

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Rock Bottom

Down but not out.
Bloodied but unbowed.

Rock bottom.

No way to go but up.

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dr Who

Something not written in a contract but is nevertheless awarded by one contractual party to the other as an incentive is a privilege. Another wanting to be the beneficiary of the same may think they have the rights to it as well. They think wrong. Privilege is not a right. Some people will put a wrench on a good thing you are enjoying, especially if it’s one they want for themselves. That’s jealousy. Be wary. Thank your lucky stars above, silently. Be mum when good fortune comes your way to ensure they keep on coming. Look after your own interest. All the others do. And also, keep in mind the Daleks are coming after you.

Dr Who (2015)

Kicks on Fire - All Time Favorites

The favorites in my shoe collection.

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Rex Mundi Chronicle

The Rex Mundi Chronicle: MESSIAH 666 is currently available in various online stores, which includes:
Apple Store
Google Play

And are readily available in platforms such as:


What are you waiting for?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hey King!

When your mind is impregnated by false ideas, Nurtured by religion and dogma. The monster within grew, Killing the King that is the real you. It's time, don't you think? Free yourself. The Rex Mundi Chronicle: Messiah 666. Read now and discover your royal bloodline. Destiny awaits

Wednesday, January 10, 2018