Sunday, March 02, 2008

On Bishop urges new kind of people power

“All spirituality requires a certain air of mystery. Otherwise, the truth would become sterile rendering hope impossible.” Baigent thus said in one of his books.

But how vague should the catholic bishops be? A new breed of “People Power” against the “greed of power-holders” would mean what sort of people power? Archbishop Angel Lagdameo’s “convergence of bearers of truths” would bring about what? How?

The people require something hard, tangible, fresh and final. Mediocrity is the last thing the tricycle, bus and jeepney drivers, the balut vendors and the newspaper boy would need.

Don’t let the blind lead another blind! Be specific says my wise fourth grade teacher. Things tend to get lost in translation if you’re vague.

As for the truth, it has been ignored out there in the open for so long. The only question remaining is what should be done about it.

We cannot be lame in our conviction. If you want GMA out, be plain in saying the current administration had by way of corruption and its culture of impunity sent the Philippines back to the dark ages. We, the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines could not tolerate murder, mayhem and corruption. We ask the faithful to be with us and make God proud by ridding the evil in our own front yard.

Now that is clear, concise and easily understood by laymen and me. The shepherd has to be clear for the flock to follow. Or maybe it’s just me.

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