Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Sermon

“Many are called, but only a few are chosen. It’s because priesthood is not just a matter of faith. It is a matter of choice. And while many better men could have donned the cassock, not all of them would have the stomach to perform such utterly complex and immaculate deception. Therefore, there remains but a resolute few to perform the harvest. It’s a cloak and dagger thing, if you know what I mean.”

No longer should you tolerate religion or any other institution to keep you in the dark. Faith without reason is perfidy.

Let this be your Genesis!”

The reverend looked at the roaring crowd and felt a great sense of accomplishment upon gazing at the sea of approving faces.


“Please cut to the chase, Father. We’re on borrowed time.” I had to stop the man before he has a chance to talk us into another vicious cycle.

“Aren’t we all?” He protested. “Catholics! Always in a rush to get to the truth but having no heart or stomach for it once it caught up with them. Right, Rosabel?”

Nobody is fast enough to respond once the old priest set himself to launch some verbal attacks. He’s on a mission. “I see you’re back to being a statue again. Fortunately, that is also one fetish I would never pass on.”

There is no helping the man. I know it for a fact now that the reverend became a priest to sustain a habit. The sermon being a monologue, he has been given a free rein to indulge on it and has been assured of an audience to receive it.

“How do I use the Holy Grail, father?” I have to interrupt.

“Ah, the Holy Grail! Right…right.” He responded, obviously irked, as he pulled out a book from one of the shelves. “Not quite as easy as using a dildo you reckon.”

He uttered the nth blasphemy with not one god putting a curse on him. Or maybe one already had. I kept mum. Rosabel did too, believing silence is wisdom.


Andrew floats for a while, above the ruins of the Holy Spirit Cathedral, before setting down the altar of the razed church. With a backdrop of the setting sun, he is majestic. The reverend couldn’t help but notice how HE now stands at the nexus of time and space. “Is He the one? Is He one? Is He?” were questions he would have wanted to ask. However, he knows it’s useless to voice them out now since an affirmation could only come later. He’s excited but is not really looking forward to the end of days.
“You’ll come to terms with it soon enough. For now, a lost king is found – one reason for us to celebrate. We have our own Roi Perdu. But before we pat our backs, know well that doomsday looms ahead. It doesn’t help to know that as prophesied there would be 666 messiahs out there awakened. All of them would be vying for the prize - which would also include Andrews head now.” The priest doesn’t know when to stop.