Monday, July 21, 2008


Andrew floats for a while, above the ruins of the Holy Spirit Cathedral, before setting down the altar of the razed church. With a backdrop of the setting sun, he is majestic. The reverend couldn’t help but notice how HE now stands at the nexus of time and space. “Is He the one? Is He one? Is He?” were questions he would have wanted to ask. However, he knows it’s useless to voice them out now since an affirmation could only come later. He’s excited but is not really looking forward to the end of days.
“You’ll come to terms with it soon enough. For now, a lost king is found – one reason for us to celebrate. We have our own Roi Perdu. But before we pat our backs, know well that doomsday looms ahead. It doesn’t help to know that as prophesied there would be 666 messiahs out there awakened. All of them would be vying for the prize - which would also include Andrews head now.” The priest doesn’t know when to stop.

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