Sunday, January 25, 2009


“Unmoved by the great suffering that stares us all in the face, she once felt immune to the rampant onslaught which more than once was reinforced by her own incompetence. But in the end, Fate proved itself to be the cruellest – not one would be spared, even those that shared its most feared attribute. What a docile monster Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has become. What has happened to my flock?” The reverend typed on his journal before finally deciding to have it deleted. Never mind the separation of the church and state, he felt the entry now to be somehow most inappropriate. Besides, there is a matter more important than anything else to which he should be pre-occupied.

Still, the world-wide-web is home to the most appealing of distractions and a water hole for the necessary diversion. Two mails from the inbox caught his attention.

“Ah, how long has it been?” He said to himself. “The boy is coming back after such a short time. So, the event is drawing near after all.”

He decided not to dwell on it. Things would unfold the way it wanted to, he’ll just cross the bridge when he comes to it. Besides, his life is strange and arduous enough without the worry of such things.

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