Sunday, July 04, 2010

An Elegy

In the beginning was the word.

And words are meaningless.

The few that actually has are beyond my grasp. Beyond me in this moment. Or silent to me that I could not hear or say them.

Perhaps silence is the meaning.

My father has a way with words. And that was taken away too as he was laid to rest. But what his words stood for remains, and they mean a lot to the people touched by them.

I pay my respect in silence knowing too well that words would not suffice. My father is too great a man to ever need mine. Even the best things in life are best left unspoken.

Specially when they are gone forever.

My father showed me a life of black and white. It's either good or bad with no room for compromise. He took away the complexities and made life simple. He had thus known and lived a life that is honorable.

Stepping out of the shadows, I'd left that perfect world as all sons would do. Away from the guiding light and protective arms, I'd created my own as all sons did before me.

Black and white... but there were grays too. And all the other colors of the rainbow.

Life is complex to complicated men.

While great men lives in a world of Black & White.

I mourn the passing of the light, the great divide between black and white... Like all things passed, there's no going back.

And black & white and gray are words. Words are meaningless.

But Black and white and gray are memories too. Memories do have meaning.

In the beginning was the word. In the end, there were only memories.

Memories are forever.

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