Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Philippine Hostage Taking Crisis & The Police Response

Sometimes there are only questions because we don't want to hear or know the answers.

What could be worst than police brutality?
POLICE STUPIDITY. The truth hurts and I hate to be blunt, but it has to be said.
Incompetence is unforgivable when it results to loss of lives.
What have these boys been trained for? Where they ever trained?

I could only sympathize with the victims.

Father, forgive them they don't know what they're doing.
Now we know to whom those words from Jesus refers to.

And SHAME, obviously they have none.
(They said conscience is removed during training. But were these guys ever trained?)

But then again, could we fault the caveman for their thinking or lack of such?

Also, there are unseen forces at work here.

Remember that Gloria? Yes, she of the Enchanted Kingdom.
When Garci was god, she was President. Or so she said.

Lies, corruption, incompetence and poverty were her legacy.
Like cancer, the puss and gangrene finds its way to the skin, breaking at the seams.

This are her children.
Ill equipped, incompetent law enforcers caught unprepared under the glaring lights and the world's watching eyes.

A lot of work needs to be done, obviously, for the rehabilitation of the Philippines. Meanwhile, this one could not be undone.

Forgive them for they know not what they are doing.

But not Gloria Macapagal Arroyo - always self conscious and aware. Malevolent and manipulative to the very end (of her term as President).

Let her pay for her sins. The purging must begin for the country to really move forward.
There must be accountability for there to be justice.
It must start now.

Meanwhile, will someone show these gentlemen (the policemen above in their photo session) how to behave in light of a tragedy of there making...

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Note: This is about moving on... my thoughts on going to another job. Published in a company news letter in February 2001.

Just when you're getting the hang of it, you realized you have to move on. Changes take place and you become willing prey to its whims - we all do. Consider it a natural order in your journey through life. You move on when destiny beckons you to. I guess it's the hadr choices you make that define who you are and where you are going.

It's a crossroad. A one time opportunity since you'll never get to stand in the same place again. One step forward and a whole new world awaits.

First Gas. If it was a ride, it was indeed a good one. I never had a days work during my stay. Why? Well, it's never work when you're having fun - doing the things you were born to do and like to do.

And the people? Familiar and friendly faces lit (up) the workplace! From my peers up to the top, I have nothing but praises. Helping hands were never hard to find. (Nice working with you guys and gals).

And what have I gained during my stay? Aside from friends, I'd say experience. The confidence and know-hows all goes with it. The trainings and tasks I had gave me wisdom beyond my years. I'm a lucky guy, need I say more?

The hard thing about Goodbye is that it means leaving behind a life we have come to cherish and love. But move on we must. I may be with another organization as I write this article; the people there proving to be a wonderful lot too (though this would be for another story). but certainly, topping the First Gas experience is yet to be known

To First Gas, kudos and more power!!!

(This article talks about changes and moving on. Reading this article, I can't help but notice the differences this one has to my current articles and style of writing. Another testament to changes and moving on.)

The Inspector

Note: I've written this article for a company news letter. This was published back in July 1999 entitled the Project Inspectors.

The commissioning of the switchyard is well under way and this activity needs to be closely monitored. Simultaneously, I&C activities need your presence. Looking at the piles of paper, you noticed other work requiring equal attention. You know the drill. Pass the paper. The Project Inspectors are on their way.

In FGPC, we have inspectors at site covering every department - Civil, MEP & Instrumentation and Control. Generally, they are responsible for monitoring and witnessing activities in their respective areas of responsibility. I heard you saying easy. Well, you couldn't really tell unless you know what thei typical day is like. I should know, i'm one of them.

Picture yourself a Project Inspector now, see what happens, and check if you get a kick out of it.

0730H. Sorting out the RFIs (Request for Inspections)
You look at the files of paper to know the work that awaits you. Now believe me when I say this could be an overwhelming experience.

0900H. Sun bathing
An hour has passed and still no beach. In lieu are the trucks, concrete, a structure waiting to be mold, and a couple of dozen people toiling.

1030H. Inspections
The contractors owe us quality work but we could not be sure that's what they're giving us. Inspections give us the opportunity to conduct quality checks (with K&D).

1300H. Playing the Game.
Avoid hitting if it's humanly possible to do so. But if you must, never hit soft. In this kind of job, confrontations could never be avoided. but I guess it's supposed to be that way. Point of fact, in the construction game you deal with all sorts of people - the best and the worst so to speak.

If you're in the right track, play your cards well. The contractors would be laughing hard if you turn your other cheek. Don't just play poker to call bluffs. Do chess and beat the opponents ten moves in advance.
Also, take pictures for best results.

1500H. Inspections, inspections, inspections...
We can never get enough.

1630H. The day is done...
Retiring at the comfort of your chair, you feel the confidence brought about by finished tasks. But as you recline half dreaming of a well deserved rest, you noticed new sheets on your desk. It's all too familiar, you say to yourself. Some more RFIs. Just as you begin to think it's over, your work has merely begun.

2000H and counting...
Work, work, work.

You get the picture.