Thursday, August 19, 2010


Note: This is about moving on... my thoughts on going to another job. Published in a company news letter in February 2001.

Just when you're getting the hang of it, you realized you have to move on. Changes take place and you become willing prey to its whims - we all do. Consider it a natural order in your journey through life. You move on when destiny beckons you to. I guess it's the hadr choices you make that define who you are and where you are going.

It's a crossroad. A one time opportunity since you'll never get to stand in the same place again. One step forward and a whole new world awaits.

First Gas. If it was a ride, it was indeed a good one. I never had a days work during my stay. Why? Well, it's never work when you're having fun - doing the things you were born to do and like to do.

And the people? Familiar and friendly faces lit (up) the workplace! From my peers up to the top, I have nothing but praises. Helping hands were never hard to find. (Nice working with you guys and gals).

And what have I gained during my stay? Aside from friends, I'd say experience. The confidence and know-hows all goes with it. The trainings and tasks I had gave me wisdom beyond my years. I'm a lucky guy, need I say more?

The hard thing about Goodbye is that it means leaving behind a life we have come to cherish and love. But move on we must. I may be with another organization as I write this article; the people there proving to be a wonderful lot too (though this would be for another story). but certainly, topping the First Gas experience is yet to be known

To First Gas, kudos and more power!!!

(This article talks about changes and moving on. Reading this article, I can't help but notice the differences this one has to my current articles and style of writing. Another testament to changes and moving on.)

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