Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Lebron's Coming Home Essay + An Open Letter to Andrew Wiggins

Lebron's coming home essay is a good crisis management plan... It's about shaping the narrative and all that jazz. "Coming home" is good packaging, going for the best option available without rubbing salt on wounds. A diplomatic way of saying no to super friends Bosh and Wade. (We'll, what is left of them, anyhow!) The Decision's a lesson learnt and now applied. "I'm coming home." Sounds good, really. But mentoring it never really was. Goodbye Wiggins! Nor was it Lebron proving he could win a championship all on his own. Hello Kevin Love! It's about selecting the safest bet to get to and win the finals. Something the Miami Heat has suddenly been exposed is no longer capable of. As it was in the beginning, so it has always been. And Cleveland through sheer luck has at the moment the most favourable climate, the perfect condition for Lebron. The downside. Lebron might have just created the ultimate monster in Wiggins. One who will take the throne from Lebron not by inheriting it but by taking the crown by force. Lebron left out Wiggins in his essay. Cleveland kept the kid hanging and placed him in an awkward position. The NBA took his jersey down. Perceived slights or intentional, they're fuel to the fire. MJ propelled himself with them to the stratosphere and beyond. Wiggins should take a page from his Airness, if he hasn't done that already. The kid has the gifts to make the leap. And Cleveland and Lebron, unwitting Prometheus, might just have accelerated the process. The future is here, now. Lebron James vs Andrew Wiggins. Clash of the Titans. Armageddon right before our eyes. We can only hope. This is an open letter to you kiddo. Andrew Wiggins, make it happen.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lebron James should leave the Heat, No question about it

Look after your own interest Lebron.
Lebron ought to know by now. He isn’t Michael Jordan and has no chance whatsoever of being one. Being the one. That path be damned, he needed a new one. If he be labelled a mercenary, so be it. He’s affiliation is to the crown,to the Larry O’brien. Not to Miami. The Heat Team was a means to an end. It no longer is. He is LJ, not MJ. But winning is the great leveller. If he cannot usurp the crown, then maybe it’s time to build a new Kingdom. Yeah, I want to see him wreak havoc with Griffin & Chris Paul in the West. Or, team up with “The Beard” and Dwight Howard to launch Houston over the top. Even lending a hand to Carmelo Anthony would not be all that bad. “He made each team he joined a champion.” Now wouldn’t that be something when all is said and done. Winning changes everything. Winning is everything. And later on, Lebron can always hire a good PR. To change the narrative, to put a good spin. And he’ll be able to back it up with all those championships, all those wins... He won’t be MJ. But he can be in the ballpark... Otherwise, another crushing finals defeat awaits him... All hail the SPURS!!!

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Rear View Mirror - 2003


One & Done

It's one & done. My days as a Yahoo Contributor's over before it even really began. We'll, the site's actually shutting down. So, here's to posterity...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dwayne Wade's Flopping Won Game 2 for Miami

The Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs are evenly matched. The elite of the elite, they look for gaps to destroy the balance. And thanks for that, we are all witnesses to the "god-awesome basketball" created whenever these two teams collide.

Then came Game 2. Lebron was Lebron, and Bosh had a bit of Lebron in him too. That is only enough, though, to keep Miami in the game against the Spurs. Dwayne proved to be the difference.

Dwayne Wade, not the superior athlete he once was, flopped his way to 2 free throws, put Ginobili on the bench on a crucial stretch of time and eventually earned Miami a 98-96 edge over the Spurs. 

Wade of course gladly paid a $5,000 dollar fine. Such meager fee considering it bought Miami a game 2 win, and possibly tilted the series for the Heat.

And just like that, 3-peat may well be within the Heat's reach!

Sunday, May 25, 2014