Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lebron James should leave the Heat, No question about it

Look after your own interest Lebron.
Lebron ought to know by now. He isn’t Michael Jordan and has no chance whatsoever of being one. Being the one. That path be damned, he needed a new one. If he be labelled a mercenary, so be it. He’s affiliation is to the crown,to the Larry O’brien. Not to Miami. The Heat Team was a means to an end. It no longer is. He is LJ, not MJ. But winning is the great leveller. If he cannot usurp the crown, then maybe it’s time to build a new Kingdom. Yeah, I want to see him wreak havoc with Griffin & Chris Paul in the West. Or, team up with “The Beard” and Dwight Howard to launch Houston over the top. Even lending a hand to Carmelo Anthony would not be all that bad. “He made each team he joined a champion.” Now wouldn’t that be something when all is said and done. Winning changes everything. Winning is everything. And later on, Lebron can always hire a good PR. To change the narrative, to put a good spin. And he’ll be able to back it up with all those championships, all those wins... He won’t be MJ. But he can be in the ballpark... Otherwise, another crushing finals defeat awaits him... All hail the SPURS!!!

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