Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tikbalang Lifetime Achievement Award for GMA

Fellow Tikbalangs, Kapres, Duwendes and all Lamang-Lupa, Ladies and Gentlemen, Greetings!

All vermin should aspire to attain greater heights even if nature predisposed them to the lowly depths of the bottom feeders. If it be needed to lie, cheat, backstab and connive to reach the zenith of power, then so be it. Just because you don’t deserve it doesn’t mean you can’t get it!

It is with the exemplary display of the aforementioned attributes and in recognition to the tapeworm-like hold to power that the Tikbalang Incorporated confers the Tikbalang Lifetime Achievement Award to the supreme vermin, Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

To wit, here’s a recap to highlight an outstanding career:
- In her dazzling show of brilliance, GMA lied to the grave of the Filipino’s foremost hero Jose Rizal whose life attested that genius knows no color or creed. Well, Arroyo cuts thru color and creed. As her corruption knows no distinction, she’s a genius in the most perverted sort of way.
- Without any hesitation, GMA muted the truth and claimed the voice she speaks are the words of God. Her firm stance amid such blasphemous claim proves beyond doubt she is without reproach. Not even Miriam could convincingly dangle such madness in front of the whole wide world.
- Prophetic words of Conrado de Quiros, as expected, fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. In essence, GMA had disproved the pen to be mightier than the sword. With the grumbling stomach of the masses, mere words could not be digested. Keep the people poor and they would not aspire for higher things in life. Freedom is a distant reality when all you do is worry about a decent meal for the family.
- Keeping a puppet court by holding a majority bloc comprising of conniving Judases in the upper and lower houses.
- GMA is an economist and Miriam Defensor-Santiago is Mother Theresa; GMA is the President of the Philippines and Miriam Defensor-Santiago is Mother Theresa. In the absence of any real virtue, pretense is the closest thing to see you through.

Indeed, GMA showed beyond any shadow of doubt that nobody could rightly be affiliated to the Tikbalang Lifetime Achievement award.

Tikbalang Incorporated also recognizes the power acts of Mssrs. Gonzales1, Gonzales2 and Ricardo Abcede for their moronic stance and unique play of insolence, apathy and ignorance and confers upon them the the title of Tikbalang’s Most Promising Vermin.

In closing, we proclaim that Hell is coming with the reign of the Vermin Queen. It’s not sooner or later than you think. It’s too late!

In behalf of Tikbalang Incorporated, I Thank you!

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