Wednesday, June 21, 2006


You look the beast square in the eye and you twitched.
A moment of hesitation and you found yourself writhing in agony - the only good part is your conscious of it. It means you're still alive. But before you could figure out for how long, you found yourself being hurled from wall to wall. "A couple of minutes perhaps", you are sure now.
You were told it was all routine. A mere sweeping of dust with a pay of a king's ransom should have tipped you off. It was too good to be true. You should have known better.
What good is a slayer's sword if you could not swing it? Even the dagger weighed a ton now. "you're totally screwed man" was an obvious truth that reverberates mockingly.
You were charmed. You fell for a witch!
The whole thing spelled disaster and you were unable to read it. Well' you did but it was all too late.

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