Saturday, July 29, 2006

the Song of Sherill

"In the tower lies Kazaa,
Where all knowledge and wisdom rests.
A guardian brave shunned by Hera
Held Sherill who holds sophia..."

The slayer utters the words like some mystic spell. And in a way, it was. He almost misses his demon-days encounter and swears willing to trade the near death moments for this other madness.

Six months, six days and six hours he had spent in the "Realm of the Fallen" and nowhere is he near now to the "Castillo de Maestro".The Talisman of Roth could rot there for all his care but the vision of Sherill had so enthralled her. He's like an addict now unable to turn back....

Like a moth drawn to the fire of imminent death, retreating has never been an option to begin with. And though the seeds of doubt throbs in his heart with a beat all its own, the allure of Sherill permits no such encroachment.

The Talisman would draw him to the guardian. That much he knows to be true. But with each passing time, the desert grows. And the bones and skulls along the way won't take him to the castle even if they knew.

He kept walking anyhow, which is more like a limp or a drag now. Death could overtake him anytime soon and he feels it to be most welcome. But the damned knows no heaven and is not entitled to have one.

From a distance a landmark all to familiar came to view.

Pain has just begun.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Dilemma of Roth

Cogito ergo sum...I think therefore I am!

How do you fight the enemy from within? And if by chance you'd ever find out, then how would you win?As the devil sings the song you'd long shut out within your mind, Old demons rise where they lay buried.The beast taps the "forbidden power" long trapped within the dark recess of your mind.

"I think therefore I am!" You muster the words hoping to gain control.

Your god did say "I am who I say I am". Does the fact of your claim not make you a god too? The devil puts the words into your mouth.

"Close. But not quite!" You retaliate.
You know full well that you have to get the devil out of your head or you'll loose it all.When the last flicker of hope dies, the darkness - all consuming - would become you.

How do you get the devil off your head?

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Aswang: A glimpse of things to come

"You don't want to mess with the Aswang", Bathsheeba spoke aloud. It was so uncharacteristic of her...
"That thing is the ultimate perversion".Now she really blew her top. I couldn't believe aswang could inspire such fear even to it's kind. After all, Batsheeba is not your typical girl-next-door. (She's a demon too for cryin out loud!)
"How, pray tell, could you have such high regard for such a lowly beast?" I said half-mockingly.
"This is not one of those things you ought to take lightly". Batsheeba uttered still unappeased. "Take your tea and I'll show you".Tea is the potion Batsheeba makes to access the oracle.
Some Slayer I turned out to be, relying on a demon to point the way to me. It's hopeless - I mean, I am!
I swallowed the concoction along with my pride. It was sweet as sin and just as bitter.
She undressed right away to perform the required ritual. We had sex once more for her to enlighten me...And I saw the vision during climax - like some flashback from a B movie.Lying wasted in her bed, reality hit me hard.
I'm f_cked!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Tell me dear, am I unkind.
(To say) that from the nunnery of thy chaste breast the demon rise...

Monday, July 03, 2006


Bathsheeba looked at me with Medusa's eyes. And I, falling under a spell, kissed like Judas. We made love like it was war. We gave it all like there was no tomorrow - for indeed, there was none...
As with guilt arising from every consumated lust, the gift of bliss was entwined with postcoital curse. Heaven left a bitter after taste.
"There is no 'One Heaven' and happiness is always relative", she whispered knowingly.I need not be told the painful truth.
"And so we moved in hopeless pursuit. We dream and build, then dream anew - heaven always changing with us."
Bedroom talk with pregnant mind...same unsettling effects with hangover from too much wine...and whine!
I breathed a sigh and she asked why. Then I was Peter who denied three times...
There seems to be a lesson to be learned here. Unfortunately, they're lost on the crumpled sheets...
Bathsheeba felt betrayed...she flew out of the window.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Granite-like fist hits the unsuspecting victim which happens to be you. And the earth adored you so much that it heaves and breathes where you have fallen. The ground eventually swallowed you whole.
When the body hurts more than the pride, it only meant reason dawned too late. And the truth being painfully made clear, regret indeed comes after the fact...
Heroes die alone because nobody precedes them. And when and where they fall, nobody follows...
One universal truth after another - enlightenment comes. Death is truly near.
"Not with one blow", you told yourself now. Pride sustains where all else fails. Your body trembles as you prop yourself up."Time for some magic beans now!". Not that you have some.
Again, pride lifted you up....
You drew the Anito's dagger and wrote on the ground the ancient name... The hidden symbol of your bloodline.
Time stood still for what seemed to be an eternity. Even that might not have been enough for you to recover. You took it anyhow.
The Maligno stared... Amused...
A storm is brewing...
You took a deep breath. You opened your mouth and lo! A tempest was released - wind howling and swirling like hell...
The maligno was unmoved. He started to ran in your direction andthe earth shook...
Now the gods will battle.