Sunday, July 02, 2006


Granite-like fist hits the unsuspecting victim which happens to be you. And the earth adored you so much that it heaves and breathes where you have fallen. The ground eventually swallowed you whole.
When the body hurts more than the pride, it only meant reason dawned too late. And the truth being painfully made clear, regret indeed comes after the fact...
Heroes die alone because nobody precedes them. And when and where they fall, nobody follows...
One universal truth after another - enlightenment comes. Death is truly near.
"Not with one blow", you told yourself now. Pride sustains where all else fails. Your body trembles as you prop yourself up."Time for some magic beans now!". Not that you have some.
Again, pride lifted you up....
You drew the Anito's dagger and wrote on the ground the ancient name... The hidden symbol of your bloodline.
Time stood still for what seemed to be an eternity. Even that might not have been enough for you to recover. You took it anyhow.
The Maligno stared... Amused...
A storm is brewing...
You took a deep breath. You opened your mouth and lo! A tempest was released - wind howling and swirling like hell...
The maligno was unmoved. He started to ran in your direction andthe earth shook...
Now the gods will battle.

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