Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ubermensch slays the God of Morons

Arthur Schopenhaur says "The art is not so much to see what no one yet has seen. But to think what no one yet has thought about that which everyone sees."

Friedrich Nietzsche declared "Ich lehre euch den Übermenschen" ("I bring you the Supermen").

GMA thunders "Who will watch the watchmen?" Obviously rubbing salt on wound.

Tikbalang Inc. shall heed the call of times and usher in a new era for mankind. In behalf of all that we hold sacred, we declare war.

"All the tyanaks wailing for justice, all the kapres yearning for release, all malignos hiding in the shadows, All Lamang Lupa remaining unnamed, pick up thy swords and fulfill our destiny. Crush the tyranny that chained us to hell. Rise up against the evil dwarf squatting in malacanang."

"We will be the unlikely heroes. But heroes still we shall be. We will be the Ubermensch - a pioneering beacon in this dark times"

"Crush the infamy! Crush GMA!"

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