Monday, April 28, 2008


Desperate for attention and yet afraid to get it.

Thousands of years passed and they haven't budged.

They simply wait and watch.

The Trinity stands in the pedestal we've built.

The SON, a humble God by any standard, came to give the good news. Not so different from the news prophets before him have long trumpheted.

With one difference that spells it all. He died for us. Humans are so inutile that a god has to be crucified for mankind to be saved. He bought our souls from the devil of his own making and let us in the house of the Father, who also happens to be him - the trinity being one and the same.

We've been had! And the Trinity remains where they were for thousands of years. Up in the heavens where no one sees them, waiting and watching.

We've been had! Satan himself was an angel of light.

We've been had!

When will thou come, Ubermensch? Slayer of Gods!

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