Tuesday, August 26, 2008


In the Kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is "GOD".

The Prophecy Fulfilled

“You’ll come to terms with it soon enough. For now, a lost king is found – one reason for us to celebrate. We have our own Roi Perdu. But before we pat our backs, know well that doomsday looms ahead. It doesn’t help to know that as prophesied there would be 666 messiahs out there awakened. All of them would be vying for the prize - which would also include Andrews head now.” The priest doesn’t know when to stop.

“What do you proposed we do, Father?” My dame asked.

“Don’t ask me. I’m not the ‘God-wannabe’ here. He is.” Reverend Paul answered pointing to me. “But since you asked, I suggest we have an orgy.”

I couldn’t help thinking whether the god who made Father Paul really intended the “angel-priest” to be this way or whether it’s just free will or evolution gone awry. If my luck holds, I’ll know all the answers soon enough.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I felt the urge to have it written. And now it is complete.

At least, it appears to be so.

I have been given a gift. it is high time I return the favor.

The book will be publish soon. Beware the weak of hearts!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The dickheads measure GMA: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharshin!

Pogito Says:

The current agitation regarding the “bangsamoro” is by no means related to the quest for Utopia. On the contrary, it’s merely GMA’s ploy to test the waters and to sow the seeds of discord. It is a trojan horse designed to divert the people from their current predicament and dangles a madness which is GMA staying in power long after 2010.
Utopia is an ideal state a government should aspire for. But that is never part of the plan nor the grand scheme GMA is hatching in her demented fragile little excuse of a mind.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788 - 1860)
The task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what no body yet has thought about that which everyone sees.

Beyond these facile truisms about the end-of-days, there are unseen forces at work that most of us never contemplate, much less comprehend. In visions and at the crossroads to Mittelpunkt der Wilt, I have met many - some whose names I do not want to remember, though all of their faces are forever sketched in my mind.

They linger – an alternating presence of hot and cold. Like demons trapped, such as they really are (and more), they yearned for release. Somehow, I would grant them that.

Think no ill of me if I sometimes hope they haunt you too. Not a perverted desire or some sick idea on my part, but a lofty wish that you may see as I have seen. And feel as I have felt.

But I am selfish, as all “gods” are - that you must know by now. And in no way would I share Bathsheba with you just so she could enthrall you with her oracle. Her prophecies are mine and mine alone. Nevertheless, there is another way. Use the Sangreal.

If you care to take a glimpse, then gladly I’ll take you there. I welcome you to a world of hurt.

You have been warned.