Tuesday, August 05, 2008


(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788 - 1860)
The task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what no body yet has thought about that which everyone sees.

Beyond these facile truisms about the end-of-days, there are unseen forces at work that most of us never contemplate, much less comprehend. In visions and at the crossroads to Mittelpunkt der Wilt, I have met many - some whose names I do not want to remember, though all of their faces are forever sketched in my mind.

They linger – an alternating presence of hot and cold. Like demons trapped, such as they really are (and more), they yearned for release. Somehow, I would grant them that.

Think no ill of me if I sometimes hope they haunt you too. Not a perverted desire or some sick idea on my part, but a lofty wish that you may see as I have seen. And feel as I have felt.

But I am selfish, as all “gods” are - that you must know by now. And in no way would I share Bathsheba with you just so she could enthrall you with her oracle. Her prophecies are mine and mine alone. Nevertheless, there is another way. Use the Sangreal.

If you care to take a glimpse, then gladly I’ll take you there. I welcome you to a world of hurt.

You have been warned.

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