Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Declaration - Rex Mundi Chronicles

I came to the world in the usual way. At least that was what I was told. I never quite could recall how it was when I first opened my eyes so I had to rely on the testimony of first hand witnesses. No lightning, no thunder, and the heavens did not open. The odds and the gods not being in my favour, I was bound to suffer the fate of the common man.

That I could not permit. I knew then as I know now that destiny is something I could shape. Hence, I insisted and I persisted. And I lay claim to where most resisted.

Notwithstanding what one deserves, one only owns if one would take.

While the road to hell or heaven is paved with good intentions, I have recognized the signs for what they really were - a lame excuse to let life idly pass me by and a pathetic attempt to justify a bleak existence. I had to make my own way…

Youth is but a symphony of colours against a backdrop of a truth I have painted. And when perception is reality, the past simply becomes how I remembered it to be.

Now, lifetimes pass one after the other. I was Jesus, Caesar and Alexander! I have no mother and no father. And what I say are the only things that matter.

Standing at the nexus of time and space, the question of Hermes echoed through the ages and is directed at me:

Know ye not that ye are gods?”

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