Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Legacy of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) - Looking for Gloria

Where is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo now?

Some says she's in Congress. Giving justice to the old adage:
"Feathered Bipeds of the same plumage live gregariously."
(For those whose brains are the size of those of the subjects,
It means "Birds of the same feathers...")
In the matter of Justice, that is a grand idea which their puny minds could not comprehend.
Congress is the last resort of the scoundrel - at least it seems that way,
Or only in the Philippines.
One can only hope.

Which brings us back to the question at hand:
Where is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo now?

In the grand scheme of things, where is GMA?

Yes, this is a good place as any to start. Don't you think?
Seek and you shall find.
And, look no further.
The search is over.
The stench of corruption reaches deaf heaven.

It leaves a bad taste in the mouth...

Be wary and never forget.
Cancer find its way back, and comes nastier, if not fully cured.
The flames of evil need to be fully extinguished, leave no burning ember.

Look out for Gloria. Wipe every trace of her.
When Anarchy is the enemy, crush it totally.
Otherwise, the gangrene finds its way through the skin,
bursting at the seams.

I put Kylie's picture below to merely mask GMA's foul odor. We are entitled to a bit of heaven.

And so, a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Otherwise, what is heaven for?

Or more accurately, what is heaven?
For the Filipinos, it is the absence of GMA.

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